March 12, 2025

At its June 13, 2006 meeting, the City Council approved the purchase of radar speed “feedback” signs and flashing beacon lights at six elementary and middle schools. The project is being paid for by a grant from the State Office of Traffic Safety, through the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency. The speed signs use radar to detect the speed of an approaching vehicle and then instantly display the speed to the driver. The signs are capable of storing the vehicles’ speeds, for analysis by City traffic engineering staff. The signs are installed in both directions on the major road approach at Discovery Elementary School on Discovery Street, Knob Hill Elementary on Knob Hill Road, Richland Middle School on Borden Road, San Marcos Elementary on San Marcos Boulevard, and Woodland Park Middle School (on its Woodland Parkway approaches). Flashing yellow beacons are added to the “School Speed Limit 25” signs at Discovery Elementary, Twin Oaks Elementary, and Woodland Park Middle School (on its Rock Springs Road approaches). Additional signs will be installed at San Elijo School. Flashing beacons will be installed on the eastbound San Elijo Road and northbound Elfin Forest Road approaches, and, the combination beacons/feedback signs will go on the westbound San Elijo Road approach. The signs and beacons are solar-powered, to save energy and reduce maintenance. For questions regarding the project, please contact Omar Dayani, Principal Civil Engineer, at (760) 744-1050 extension 3255.