March 12, 2025


Send us an email with your mailing address and we will send you our new oval SEH sticker free!!


9 thoughts on “Gift from San Elijo Life

  1. My husband & I would love a SEH sticker for our cars.
    Every time we click to email the page is unavailable.
    Sarah & Steve Fisher
    607 Weatherstone Way
    San MArcos, CA 92078

    1. The Fishers live in Venzano, which is NOT San Elijo Hills, but is the parasitic community that uses all our facilities but doesn’t pay into our HOA or our Mello-Roos and was tacked on by a totally different developer.
      Turns out they’re also not exactly the kind of neighborly, small town, helpful, people that SEH is designed for:

      1. You cant penalize habitants of Venzano because San Elijo allows Venzano to use your facilities without paying for them. I almost moved to Venzano but I am glad I didnt because my neighbors would be that XXXX Sara Fisher and her buddies. I am applaed how they treat an autistic child and didnt take action when their own son was bullying an autistic child.

  2. I would very much like to receive one of your oval SEH stickers. Thank you very much.

    Donald P. Halferty
    3087 Yoder Hill Road
    Keuka Park, NY 14478-9789

  3. “All our facilities?” Exactly what “facilities” does SEH have that Venzano is using? Outside of the Olivenhein park, there really is nothing for even SEH residents to use around here. What are you concerned about them using without paying for it?

  4. I think Venzano enjoys proximity to SEH schools, infrastructure, parks, trails & the events all for less property tax. Venzano did win San Elijo Life’s best neighborhood holiday lights…. But has been bashed around for some ugly finger pointing now on 2 occasions in the media and the grapevine. I think SEH should welcome all but guard our piece of coastal soul from crime, self indulgence, speeders and idol youth. I think SEH residents needs to drop the sense of entitlement and step up and participate in building our sense of community with San Marcos.

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