March 12, 2025

Dear Dalia,

I’m budgeting and planning our summer family vacation. Should we go to Disneyland this summer? When is the best time to go as a family?
How do we optimize our time at the park?

Hills Local


Dear Hills Local,

Here is how I suggest you make The Happiest Place on Earth the place of least strees on Earth, that would be Disneyland for you newbies.

Let me state an obvious rule…do not ever, ever go in the summer unless you want to spend a lot of money and go on 2 rides.

I find the best time of year to go is the first week in December, preferably Tuesday or Wednesday. I have gone that week a few times and it is very quiet, no lines and decorated for the holiday so you get the best of both worlds.

Outside of Disneyland there is a Denny’s…stop there for breakfast so you can fuel up for the day at a reasonable price. If it is your first trip, I would suggest looking at a map of the park first so you can get an idea of what you want to see. Always “Fast Pass” if possible, these will get you to the head of the line. Bring snack foods unless you have unlimited funds and can afford the high prices.

My favorite ride has to be Buzz Lightyear, it is fairly new and a lot of fun, do not miss it! If you want to watch the parade, head to Main Street about 45 minutes prior for a good seat. They also have lockers located at the beginning of Main Street; I like to put a jacket in for later on at night when it gets cold.

If you plan on staying the night and you’re on a budget there is a Super 8 in walking distance that is clean and you don’t have to spend the extra money to park at Disney ($11.00).

These are just a few tips to make your day a little happier because after all, that is the goal of Disney!
