March 12, 2025

One year ago Hills Local set out to create a better source of information for San Elijo Hills Residents. We learned a lot and hope to bring a new look and features in the coming year.

We had over 30,000 visitors in our 1st year. We started the Daily Dahlia your local source for wisdom and wit. We sparked debate on a number of important topics. We partnered with SEH Properties-The Jonville Team. We built out a free online community directory for local business.

San Elijo Life is always looking for contributions from our readers. Some ideas are: Send us a post about your business, A recipe, write a gardening article, write a parenting article. Tells us about the best local mountain bike trails or send a review of your favorite local restaurant etc.. or send us your rants. YOU are San Elijo Hills and thus you make San Elijo Life.

Thanks to all our readers!

Enjoy Life In The Hills!

Hills Local

1 thought on “San Elijo Life Celebrates it’s 1st Anniversery

  1. Congratulations, San Elijo Life! I check in regularly and I’m looking forward to another great year of information, stories, slide shows, and those unforunate slugfests with Santa Fe Hills. Fingers-crossed that we will be celebrating a grocery store before your 2nd anniversary. Keep up the great work!

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