March 10, 2025

Dear SEH,

I have driven the San Elijo Road Twin Oaks road each morning and evening for one week. My observation is this; the people speeding are San Elijo Hills residents. I would like to suggest that all concerned residents help create safe streets by conducting a “slow in“…. learn the speed limits and drive them this will slow down the cars around you.

Hills Local

2 thoughts on “Hey San Elijo Hills let conduct a “Slow In” on San Elijo Road

  1. That’s a great suggestion for all the locals, HillsLocal. There are too many reasons why you should drive the speed limit. Just wait and see when all the hustle and bustle starts when the shopping center goes in. It only takes once. When you drive up the hill, take a deep breathe and relax coming in and out of the community.,. It is a relaxing ride and view, so enjoy it and respect the SEH families with little ones. Please show courtesey for pedestrians out walkikng around. Let’s not see a repeat of the week before last.


  2. This is a great idea!…One that I have followed since I moved here….however…prepare yourself for the impatient, inconsiderate, in a rush all of the time drivers. They will ride your tail and then hastily swerve around your car to go faster….very frustating….where are the Sherrifs? I wish for these drivers to be ticketed every time!! Maybe they will get the idea if more of us follow the speed limits!

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