March 31, 2025

Coronado Hills (San Marcos) fire update-sourceUT

5:21 a.m.
A brush fire in the community of Coronado Hills in the southwest part of the city started around 1:50 a.m. and is burning south toward San Elijo Hills, a master-planned community, said Jenny Peterson, the city’s spokeswoman. The cause is unknown.

At around 3:30 a.m. a mandatory evacuation was issued in Coronado Hills, San Elijo Hills and Discovery Hills. Residents have been evacuated to Mission Hills High School in San Marcos, she said.

Peterson said the fire is now about 250 acres and is 5 percent contained. She said there were 80 fire personnel from local fire departments and 25 engines are on scene.

No structures have been lost and no injuries have been reported, Peterson said.

San Marcos Unified School District and California State University San Marcos have canceled classes for Monday, Peterson said.


Time started: 1:50 a.m. (near radio towers above homes near ridgeline in Coronado Hills development)
Containment:100 percent (10/22 3 p.m.) 40 percent (10/22 2 p.m. Predict full control at noon on 10/23)
Area: San Marcos only (10/22 2 p.m.)
Acreage: 300
No. of evacuations: 7,300 people; 2,200 homes, apartments
Neighborhoods evacuated: Coronado Hills, San Elijo, Discovery Hills
Evacuation centers: Mission Hills High School
No. of homes burned:0 (10/22 3 p.m.)
No. of injuries:0
No. of deaths:0
No. of personnel fighting:40
No. of engines:25
No. of air:0
Command Center: PIO at Cal State San Marcos, parking lot B on Twin Oaks Valley Road. Firefight being managed at non-public Emergency Ops Center at city public works yard on Rancho Santa Fe Road

4 thoughts on “Coronado Hills (San Marcos) fire update

  1. 100% contained? If true, that’s certainly awesome news! I was there (Woodley’s Glen) around 12:30pm, the roads were blocked (San Elijo Rd), but I didn’t see any flames or house damages.

  2. Says 100% contained yet the KPBS wesite still lists the areas west of those specific fires as evacuation areas. Whats up with that?

  3. Its 2:12 and Allison St. John on KPBS says the fire may be 100% contained. Can we go home yet? (don’t want to drive around without a good reason)

  4. Has anyone heard about SEH having to evac. again due to Harmony Grove area being threatned?

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