March 12, 2025


CITY OF SAN MARCOS For Immediate Release
CONTACT: Jenny Peterson, Communications Officer

DATE: November 19, 2007

City and Chamber unwrap ‘So San Marcos’ campaign

SAN MARCOS – With the holiday season here, the City of San Marcos and the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce have teamed up to promote staying close to home for the holidays this year when shopping and dining.

The ‘So San Marcos’ campaign was developed to create awareness about the benefits of shopping and dining locally, and to help stimulate business for local retailers and restaurateurs. A surge in new retail and restaurant establishments, along with a strong established business base, offers San Marcos residents a wide variety of choices this holiday season.

Officials believe the unique logotype and tagline will help promote their goals to educate San Marcos residents about sales tax funding important City services; to increase residents’ willingness to help enhance the community by shopping locally; to increase patronage of local retail and restaurant establishments; to increase local sales tax revenue; to develop a sense of pride and loyalty to the City; and to motivate ancillary audiences to see San Marcos as an appealing place to shop and dine.

“It is important to remember that when transactions are made locally, sales tax revenue is generated for important City services like public safety, parks and recreation, and street maintenance,” explained San Marcos Mayor Jim Desmond. “When transactions are made elsewhere, other communities benefit from that sales tax revenue.”

The campaign was rolled out to businesses last week, and the rollout for the general public is taking place this week – just in time for the official start of the holiday shopping season.
Several resources are offered online for businesses that want to be a part of the campaign. Posters for store windows; point-of-sale displays; and logos for use with holiday advertising are all available to download from the City’s Web site.

For more information on the program, please call Communications Officer Jenny Peterson at (760) 744-1050, ext. 3169 or visit