March 12, 2025

CITY OF SAN MARCOS For Immediate Release


DATE: November 23, 2007
Firefighters and first responders to be honored at San Marcos holiday parade
San Marcos, CA – The firefighters and first responders from the recent Coronado Hills fire in San Marcos will be honored during the 12th Annual Kiwanis Holiday Parade on Sunday, Dec. 2 at 1 pm. Firefighters from the City of San Marcos and Cal Fire, sheriff’s department personnel, public works staff and senior volunteers from the sheriff and fire departments will serve as the Grand Marshal of the parade. The Grand Marshal group will be riding on four different pieces of firefighting apparatus. In addition, a special thank you reception will be held immediately following the parade from 2 to 5 pm in the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive. This event will give residents an opportunity to mingle with and personally thank those who bravely responded to the Coronado Hills fire in San Marcos on Oct. 22 and other fires around the region during the recent firestorms. Community thank you cards will be available for guests to sign and refreshments will be provided. This event is free. Immediately after the San Marcos fire, members of the community came forward wishing to honor the first responders of that incident. This event is the result of their desire to publicly thank those who bravely worked to keep San Marcos safe.