March 12, 2025

Entertainment industry vet tries to convert former trash-recycling plant into a production studio San Marcos | A bright future is seen for 14-acre building

By Linda Lou

December 30, 2007

A concrete building near a closed county landfill appears bland from the outside until John Bailey, an entertainment industry veteran, begins opening doors and explaining its potential. Bailey is trying to convert the former trash-recycling plant in San Elijo Hills into the county’s largest studio for producing movies, TV shows and commercials. The gently used facility has lofty ceilings, quiet surroundings and is close to Los Angeles, he said. In other words, it is ideal.
“Listen; there is no sound,” Bailey said as he stood on the 14.1-acre property during a recent site tour. “We only have to contain the sound inside. Out here, you hear a hawk every now and then. There is no traffic.” READ THE ENTIRE UT ARTICLE