Road will provide easier way to reach city By Linda Lou UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER...
Year: 2007
Source: San Diego Daily Transcript Fri Apr 27, 2007 Beazer Homes USA Inc. (NYSE:...
San Elijo Chevron held a grand opening celebration, April 27th and 28th residents and...
San Elijo Life found this rendering posted on the fence at the...
A local San Eljo Hills publisher is preparing to release a coffee-table book including...
The next general HOA meeting to be Tuesday May 3rd at San Elijo Middle...
By Pat Sherman San Diego Union Trubune April 18, 2007 ELFIN FOREST – In the video,...
Blendz, a smoothie, panini, soup and salad shop, signed a five-year lease for $216,010...
San Elijo Chevron will hold a grand opening celebration Friday and Saturday April 27th...
By Linda Lou UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER April 5, 2007 SAN MARCOS – Soon, San...