December 27, 2024

Reported Gang Fight Update:
Sheriff reports incident was not a gang fight
. It was a single suspect with a hammer. San Marcos sheriff are investigating but looks like some sort of domestic deal. Discussions are under way for some options for cameras and or lights for the San Elijo Hills Town Square.

Gas Station Robbery Update:
There was string of robberies throughout the North County during the holidays. The suspects were hitting several gas stations throughout the area. This is very common during the holidays. From what we understand, the emergency line was activated by the San Elijo Chevron store worker and the suspect was apprehended within a few minutes.

Email to San Elijo Life from San Elijo resident and City Council member Chris Orlando
I share the concerns about the recent incidents of crime. In fact, I raised the issue during the last Council meeting following the kidnapping incident in the Town Center.

The City is being aggressive about addressing crime, and specifically, gang-related crime. In December, the City, along with County DA Bonnie Dumanis, sought and received an injunction against the gangs that currently operate in San Marcos. The entire Council attended the hearing at the County Courthouse to show our strong support for the injunction. The injunction gives the Sheriff’s Department a significant tool to fight gang crime. The gang members included in the injunction can now be arrested simply for being in public together in certain parts of the City. While enforcement of the injunction is just getting underway, it will go a long way to calm gang activity in San Marcos.

In terms of the recent incidents in San Elijo, I agree that opening of San Elijo Road may be a contributing factor. Our community is more accessible now, which may make it more susceptible to crime. On the positive side, the completion of the connection also allows our Fire and Sheriffs Department to reach San Elijo faster, more easily and more regularly.

I am working with City Manager and the Sheriffs Department to ensure that San Elijo is being patrolled frequently enough, and on other measures, such as raising public awareness. I have also asked for a report on the most recent incident and for other recommendations to address this apparent increase in crime. I will pass along the information I receive and continue to make sure the issue of crime remains a top priority.

Thank you.
Chris Orlando

Also watch San Marcos City Council commentary by Chris Orlando on San Marcos gang injunction

1 thought on “San Elijo Hills Crime Update

  1. Although we all need to be aware of potential crime in San Elijo Hills, how does a domestic issue with a hammer become a “nearly fatal gang fight” in which “San Marcos gang members tried to stab each other?”

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