March 31, 2025

San Marcos, CA

City officials are encouraging residents to get involved and make a difference in
their community by applying for open positions on the newly formed Student and Neighborhood Relations Commission. The deadline to apply is Thursday, Feb. 14, 2008 at 5:30 pm.

Appointments will be made on Tuesday, Feb. 26 after the City Council conducts interviews with candidates during its 6 pm meeting. The commission will consist of eight members in total. Two of the eight members will be appointed by the City Council; two members will be appointed by Cal State University San Marcos; two will be appointed by Palomar College; and one will be appointed by Camp Pendleton. The executive director of the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce will also sit on the commission. All members must be 18 years of age or older and reside within San Marcos City limits. The Student and Neighborhood Relations Commission was formed to foster positive communication and partnership between San Marcos residents and businesses and the student communities of Cal State University San Marcos and Palomar College. The commission will engage discussions, solicit community input and recommend actions to promote collaboration, tolerance and mutual respect in the City’s neighborhood communities. Detailed application instructions and interview requirements are available online at www.sanmarcos. net or by visiting City Hall at 1 Civic Center Drive in San Marcos. For more information, please call the San Marcos City Clerk at (760) 744-1050, ext. 3145.