March 12, 2025

At the February 12th San Marcos City Council Meeting council member and San Elijo Hills resident Chris Orlando; asked for an update on the San Elijo Hills Development timeline for groundbreaking on Phase One of San Elijo Hills Town Center. San Marcos City Staff responded with “April” and they expect construction to take 11-12 months. Phase one is multi story mixed use and should be on the Albertson’s side of the project.

Council Member Chris Orlando also asked for status on two new stop signs that had been before the San Marcos Traffic Commission. Questhaven and Brightwood Drive/Hollowbrook Court and Questhaven and a 2nd stop sign at Kenwood place and Calistoga Way in Calistoga. San Elijo Life attended the San Marcos Traffic Commission for Questhaven and Brightwood and the commission voted “no” to placing sign a this location. Vote was based on low traffic and speed data from San Marcos City staff. The commission did recommend that a fence be placed around the edge of the Questhaven park and the trees and vegetation be trimmed at the intersection. Click here to watch video on traffic at this intersection. It is our impression that San Marcos City Council could over rule the traffic commission and erect stop signs.

The New San Elijo Hills Fire Station should open mid March 2008

Click here to watch video of City Council Meeting