March 31, 2025

District posts attendance-area remap proposals

By Linda Lou

February 21, 2008

SAN MARCOS – Maps of proposed plans for revising attendance boundaries in the San Marcos Unified School District for the upcoming school year are now available online.
School district officials have proposed two possible scenarios for revising the boundaries for most of the district’s elementary schools. The Attendance Area Revision Committee has proposed a third, which is similar to one of the district’s.

Maps of all three can be viewed on the district’s Web site

Revisions are needed because the district plans to open Joli Ann Leichtag Elementary School, at 653 Poinsettia Ave., in August and wants to reduce overcrowding at some of its existing elementary schools.

Most of the elementary schools would be affected by the proposed changes, except for Knob Hill and Twin Oaks.

Online: To see the proposed attendance boundary changes for San Marcos Unified schools, go to

Under another district proposal, a small number of students assigned to San Elijo Middle School would attend San Marcos Middle instead. District high schools would not be affected. The Attendance Area Revision Committee will present its plan to the school board and the public at a special meeting at 6 p.m. March 5 at the district office, 255 Pico Ave. The board is expected to vote on the boundaries at a special meeting March 12. Families affected by the changes will be notified after the vote. CLICK HERE TO READ ENTIRE UT ARTICLE