March 4, 2025

Dear San Elijo Folks,

Here is a list of some of the new cool tools on this site, to help you stay in touch and interact.

San Elijo Life Twitter Feed

San Elijo Life has a twitter feed that will push text updates to your cell phone, etc..this will be a helpfull tool in times of emergency like last falls fire…when this site had 6,000 hits a day.

San Elijo Hills Facebook Group

Join and share your ideas, photos and videos of Life in the Hills! we are up to 16 members!!

San Elijo Hills Directory

Send us your bussines listing so we can all support each other.

Items for sale in San Elijo Hills

Click here to see what your neighbors are selling or post an item for sale.

A special note this week San Elijo Life will reach 100,000 visits in just under 2 years. We hope to add more cool tools soon and we appreciate your support. We are currently looking for 2 more exclusive sponsors a great deal for reaching San Elijo Hill’s 7,800 influential residents.

Enjoy Life in the Hills,

Hills Local