March 31, 2025

Union Tribune STAFF WRITER

July 25, 2008

Plans to convert a former trash-recycling plant near San Elijo Hills into a production studio for movies and TV shows are uncertain once again. In 2004, the San Marcos City Council approved the land-use change to allow the project to go forward. Despite rave reviews, two New York producers scrapped plans to develop a studio with a six-story office building in 2005. Last year, it appeared that a studio development was on track again under a new owner, San Diego-based Loma San Marcos LLC. John Bailey, who was leasing the property, had grand plans for the 190,000-square-foot building and the 14 acres it sits on.But Bailey is no longer working on the site, and his proposal also may be in trouble. CLICK HERE TO READ ENTIRE UT ARTICLE

2 thoughts on “San Elijo Hills production studio plans again put on hold

  1. I’m not sure SEH needs more traffic and activity at this site?
    This plan always sounded far fetched and with the hard times in TV/movie production I doubt it will ever happen.

  2. Lately I have seen on a few different nights, late at night, 8-10 cop cars with their parking lights on, parked in the entrance to the studios/ recycling plant. What is going on? Staging for a raid? Late-night secret police hangout? Shortage of late night parking for county vehicles? This is technically not government property.

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