March 4, 2025

RC Rock crawling is the new fast growing hobby of radio control cars crawling over rocks in a timed & judged event. The San Diego group held an informal competition in SEH creek below Azure and above Calistoga this last Saturday. The event was shut down by the San Marcos Rangers as the creek is a riparian restoration preserve and such events require a permit.

4 thoughts on “San Diego RC Rock Crawler hold event in SEH just above Calistoga

  1. The was so cool fellas lokks like lotsa fun maybe I can get to one of these events one day.

  2. A place called drug airport..Lawrence welk.san Marcos hills.hasoffroading..and rc crawling location in boonies!.off twin oaks valley road,must have real crawler, or jeep to access these trails

  3. Wanna go any saturday,or sunday,please contact,im always down for a fire riad fun run and rc

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