March 31, 2025

on November 4th you will Vote for no more than Three

9 thoughts on “Who will you vote for San Marcos School Board?

  1. I am a long time Republican that worked for the Reagan campain in ’84 while in college. This is one Republican that will not be voting for Horacek. Randy Walton will do an outstanding job to improve our schools!!!

  2. Randy Walton gets our vote.. There is no doubt in our minds ! Randy is the right man for the job.. Rod and I have known Randy for several years and had the pleasure of having the Waltons for neighbors. Randy’s vision for the future of our children and the generations to come surpasses all.He knows what has to be done. He will work hard to make sure that each child has the same opportunity to receive the best education available in the City of San Marcos.. And as a San Marcos Unified Board Member, I know he will do as he says, Education for all and the best. We need to teach our children well, for they are our only future.. Elect Randy Walton.

  3. Please join me in supporting Jay Petrek for San Marcos School Board. I have known Jay for over 10 years. Everything he does is in the best interest of the students in our community, from working on the school parent clubs, coaching sports, volunteering in classrooms, and just helping neighbors and friends. He did an excellent job while serving on the board previously. There is no better person to serve our community and he has my full support as a parent and as a teacher.

  4. David Horacek has our support for re-election because he believes in academic achievement with strong fiscal accountability.

    There is nothing more important as a parent than seeing that our children get the best education possible. Yet we face budget cuts from the state that can negatively affect our local schools.

    There is too much wasteful spending in government particularly at the state and federal levels. This is why our country and state are in trouble right now. I am convinced that we can fight waste at the local level while maintaining high academic standards through accountability and responsibility.

    I do not know the other candidates personally, though I am sure they are good people. What concerns me however is they are supported by the teachers union. I believe unions are “middle-men” in that feed off resources that could go directly to our kids schools. Money for expensive political campaigns for example could be better spent by retaining good teachers with more attractive compensation. The unions claim to be fighting for our teachers. I believe they are more interested in sustaining their own existence.

    David doesn’t need or want union support as they are counter to the solution which is to see to it that only good teachers are rewarded and our kids get the education they deserve.

    We believe in the public school system and are delighted in the academic improvement that SMUSD has made in the past few years. Therefore we want to see that work is continued with David’s leadership.

    Please Re-Elect David Horacek on November 4th.

  5. I had unfortunately never heard of this website before someone told me there was a detailed interview of David Horacek here and to check it out.

    I really liked what he had to say and recognize many of the things he talked about 4 years ago. One thing I can say for Mr. Horacek is that he has a history of sticking to what he believes in, and a record over the past 4 years that back it up which is fighting for our kids. I am sure that the other two candidates will win and I’m confident they like Mr. Horacek has done over the past 4 years, will do what best for our kids. After reading Mr. Horacek’ interview and comparing it to the other two interviews that where done after his, I found them strikingly similar. The good news is they all seem to agree on the issues presented in the interview and now I guess we will have to wait and see if they can back their words with their deeds.

    Because David has been a strong advocate for students, teachers, and tax payers over the year and avoided support of the local special interest groups I will back him exclusively.

    Thank you David for all you have done for this community over the years.

  6. David Horacek is the only one who voted against cutting busing. He’s consistantly fought for more money in the classrooms, I’m bullet voting for him, he has the courage of his convictions and a really good head on his shoulders.

  7. David, there are 100’s of employees in this district that fully understand your balanced approach to distribution of funds between the employees and the kids.

    Stick to your guns kid, we have your back!

  8. We Bayshore Charter School parents are proud to support David Horacek for all he does for public education and his support for public charter Schools like ours.

    Parents need to have educational choice and Mr. Horacek understand that need.

    I have sat in several Board meetings and there are powerful forces out there working against we tax payers and our kids. I have seen David stand up for us and our kids when nobody else would.

    For our kids and our community Re-Elect David Horacek for SMUSD Board

  9. I’ve known Randy Walton for more than a decade now and he will make a great school board member. I, like many parents of children at Richland Elementary, feel as though no one has done more for the youth of our community than Randy, that he cares a great deal about our community and that he’ll do an excellent job on board. Vote for Randy Walton!!!

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