March 31, 2025

By Linda Lou UT STAFF WRITER October 31, 2008

SAN MARCOS – The people holding signs and handing out fliers in San Marcos accusing City Council incumbent Rebecca Jones of being “a puppet” and urging people not to vote for her are a fellow council member and his wife. San Marcos City Councilman Mike Preston voted against appointing Jones to the council in 2006. Now he and his wife are doing what they can to make sure she isnt elected to the seat.

Preston said he started holding up anti-Jones signs at busy intersections in the city Sunday, an effort begun this month by his wife, Luanne Hulsizer. Hulsizer has been campaigning on weekends with signs that say: “Unproven Leader – Puppet Appointment. No Jones for San Marcos City Council.” read more via Councilman campaigns against colleague | The San Diego Union-Tribune