March 4, 2025

The owners of the Sports Club site in San Elijo Hills are hosting an informational meeting.

SPORTS CLUB IN SAN ELIJO – Notice of Meeting

Hello and Happy New Year to All!!!  In moving forward for the New Year we are hosting an Information & Q&A Meeting to review plans for the proposed Sports Club in San Elijo Hills:

January 22nd 7:15 p.m.
1770 La Costa Meadows Drive
San Marcos Ca  92078
(Flat Iron Building)

  1. Intro/Background
  2. Discussion of the Project
  3. Explanation of the Options
  4. Q & A

Project Plans include:

  • Elegantly designed resort style pool with “splash pad”
  • Separate adult spa and children’s pool
  • Enormous pool deck and patio areas with cabanas
  • Expansive lawn area for open space events, sports, play, or relaxation
  • Special events area with gazebo and spectacular westerly view
  • Adjacent area includes an elaborate double-sided fireplace with stone detailing and waterfall
  • Multiple picnic areas with gas BBQ’s
  • Sand volleyball court
  • Basketball court
  • Main building will include offices, meeting rooms, exercise and  massage rooms
  • Lush, full landscaping

Please email Paige Farmer at [email protected] with any questions.

15 thoughts on “SPORTS CLUB IN SAN ELIJO -Notice of Meeting

  1. how big is the gym. whats included in the gym? i hope its not like one of those small motel gyms. do home owners in san elijo hills get to use it for free? i hope since we pay such a high rate melo rose taxes.

  2. I’m with Ron…what happened to the tennis courts?? That’s what my family and I wanted most.

  3. No way SEH residents will be able to use it for free. I’m guessing that SEH residents will make up over 90% of the club’s membership, and income from us is the only thing that makes the club a feasible financial investment for the owners in the first place. I’d be surprised if we even get any type of discount.

  4. Will the details and results of the meeting be published here? I’m unable to attend the meeting but curious on what is discussed.

  5. I wonder if everyone realizes that this is a business opening up, and business are in business to make money. I don’t think anyone expects Albertsons to give them free groceries just because they are in our community, or the Chevron to give out free gas, do they?

  6. kevin. i dont want to say it but you are a total idiot. you are comparing orange with apple. every community should have something. what do we have an san elijo hills? any pools? any club house? any basketball court or tennis court? i dont think so.

  7. what happened to 7 tennis courts? what a joke.

    they are selling memberships before the building is ready.

    does 24 hours fitness sells membership and then build the gym? NO

  8. Jason, thank you for your insightful response. I always appreciate the kind of intelligent discourse one finds on the inter-webs. I appreciate the way you were able to constructively pick apart the points in my posting and further elucidate on where I had gone wrong. Keep up the good work! You are a fine example of the kind of discourse usually found in a discussion group.

  9. kevin, like i said you are a fine example of an IDIOT. you must be the person behind all this. am i right?

    you bought the land without any plans? in hoping someone would lend you some money to build some crappy looking resort? what happened to the sports club?

    first it was a sports club and now its a resort. what a joke you are man.

    i will definitely make sure this doesnt get approved.

  10. so they think that they can find 640 people to pay $130 a month for 5 yrs? thats 130*5*12= $7800.
    lol what a joke
    NOT me.

  11. Not me either, since my SEH neighborhood already has a pool that I pay for with my HOA fees. But a lot of people raised their hands in the meeting the other night when they were asked if they’d pay $135/month for membership. Whether the developer can get 640 people is another story, and I just don’t think it’s likely, given today’s economic conditions.

    I’m curious, though: what happens if someone who has committed to the five-year $135/month plan decides to sell their house before the five years are up? Is the new owner responsible for the $135/month fee? What if they don’t want to join the club? Homes are already difficult enough to sell without sticking a potential new owner with a monthly bill that’s higher than current HOA fees.

  12. why not go with the original plan? i dont see a problem. its not like everyone in san elijo hills wants to play tennis at the same time. i am starting to think that these guys have no idea what the hell they are doing. you cant just change the plan just because you changed your mind.

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