March 4, 2025


This week San Elijo Sports Club will be giving away an additional five lunches for 2. Please let your friends and neighbors know about the “NEW”survey.

We had tremendous response from the residents in our last survey; 96% of the respondents are looking forward to the opening of the San Elijo Sports and Social Club.

The input from this survey will enable us to further refine the club and meet the community’s needs.

A significant number of residents pointed out that the creation of the San Elijo Sports and Social Club will not only be a great addition to the amenities of the San Elijo Hills but make our community even more desirable and help to stabilize property values.

Results From Prior Survey
Over 80% of you wanted the following:

1. Club house – social gathering place
2. Fitness trainers – aerobic and weights
3. Large pool for recreation, as well as lap lanes
4. Tennis courts with a programs for all skill levels
5. Social activities for both for adults and children
6. Snack shop

Please participate in this short questionnaire. Your answers will be used to further define the offering at the San Elijo Sports and Social Club. CLICK HERE TO TAKE SURVEY

10 thoughts on “Please take updated survey on San Elijo Sports Club

  1. so what does the new plan look like?

    if the community wants a sports club then why are they trying to build a hawaiian resort? as far as i know i am not allowed to have a single palm tree in my yard.

  2. any update on this? whas the last word? sports club or the resort they were talking about in the meeting.

    i would pay the monthly payment for the resort. (better than nothing)

  3. What happened to the results of the survey?

    #3 was large pool for recreation + lap. Is it going to happen?

  4. The land owner could not find a developer or operator of a sports complex/pool and sold the lot back to San Elijo Hills Development. The lot will most likely be used for condos.

    1. Isn’t it zoned already for a rec center? To change that into condo’s they would need home owners approval of close by properties, no?

  5. Oh no, that’s a big bummer – is there a way we could build a committee to recruit an operator or find a new builder/investor? I know many people who would want that…

  6. This is terrible- even more terrible is nobody seems to want basketball courts in SEH…sigh.

  7. I would like to see basketball courts and tennis courts. I would volunteer to give tennis lessons.

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