February 23, 2025

Sarah Fisher of Venzano was awarded the”Dreyer’s Slow Churned Neighborhood Salute Grand Prize Package.” Thousands of essays across the nation were received and based on Mrs. Fisher’s heartfelt essay, she was chosen as one of the winning neighborhoods! The Fisher’s, along with their family and friends will enjoy an afternoon of Dreyer’s Ice Cream and summer fun!

Essay Entry:
Last spring while searching for the “perfect” neighborhood for our family we quickly discovered this magical community called Venzano. The streets were filled with children playing, and adults laughing and talking in their front yards. We soon came to find out that this was not only a weekly affair, but a daily occurrence. The Venzano neighborhood is vibrant and full of life. The incredible sense of community is like that of the American Dream. The neighbors have genuine care and concern for each others well being. Friendships are made on a daily basis and we are extremely proud to call this place home. The first families to move into the neighborhood started a tradition called “Driveway Parties” where everyone is invited to a different driveway to share drinks, food and to create and maintain friendships. We can only hope that this sense of neighborhood will last a lifetime here in Venzano. If our neighborhood was to win the “ice cream block party” it would enable the newcomers to the neighborhood to meet and develop new friendships in this fabulous, fun loving community.

1 thought on “Venzano wins the”Dreyer’s Slow Churned Neighborhood Salute Grand Prize Package

  1. Isn’t this the same Sarah Fisher from the Venzano neighborhood who was on the news a couple of months ago who made false allegations against her neighbors and had her case thrown out and had to pay their attorney fees. Apparently it was invoving the neighbor’s Autistic child! NICE “PERFECT” NEIGHBORHOOD! Way to go Dreyers!

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