February 23, 2025

SanElijoLife.com provides community news, photos, videos, and a directory of resources for residents of San Elijo Hills. Created by residents for current and potential residents, SanElijoLife.com provides a unique opportunity for businesses and services to speak directly to members of the San Elijo Hills Community.

Advertising Opportunities
We offer several advertising and sponsorship packages for businesses, services and community members. Ranging from home page banner ad placement to business directory listings and social media, we have a package to fit your business needs and budget. For more information about advertising opportunities, please contact us at [email protected]

Benefits of Advertising on SanElijoLife.com

  • Targeted advertising to members and enthusiasts of the San Elijo Hills Community.
  • Custom messaging for business and services on a local site that is dedicated solely to sharing news and information relevant to the San Elijo Hills Community.
  • Cost Effective Advertising Packages at a fraction of the cost of national or regional online sites.
  • Packages tailored for your business requirements and budget.
  • Quick and Easy Set Up Process, your advertisement can be live on SanElijoLife.com within 48 hours.

“By supporting and advertising with San Elijo Life, I connected with more of our neighbors (or future neighbors) and received numerous leads, many of them turned into sales or great relationships. This was definitely one of the best investments I have made, Thanks San Elijo Life!” The Jonville Team,www.SEHproperties.com.

As members of the San Elijo Community, it is important to us to support community businesses and services. We value our relationships with our sponsors and appreciate the opportunity to work with you to promote your message to the greater San Elijo Hills Community. Contact us today to learn how.