February 23, 2025
Thousandth person trained as part of Responsible Beverage Sales and Service ordinance

The City of San Marcos has trained more than 1,000 alcohol beverage handlers as part of its new Responsible Beverage Sales and Service (RBSS) ordinance. The RBSS ordinance went into effect in May 2009 and requires all restaurants and retail outlet employees that sell or serve alcohol to attend training every two years.

The training helps purveyors of alcohol learn how to spot fake identification and teaches them how and when to refuse sales or service of alcohol to intoxicated individuals. “The overall goal of the ordinance is to keep San Marcos a safe community for its residents, students and visitors,” explained City Manager Paul Malone.

Eighty-nine percent of attendees surveyed said they will change the way they do their job now that they’ve had this training. “One thousand people trained in responsible beverage sales and service reflects the business community’s commitment to reducing DUI’s and youth access to alcohol,” said Celeste Young, prevention specialist with North Inland Community Prevention Program. “This is a milestone in the right direction.”

The City conducted an extensive outreach campaign to local businesses to inform them of the new ordinance and its regulations and offered training in English and Spanish. For more information on the RBSS, click here.

1 thought on “City of San Marcos, CA:Thousandth person trained as part of Responsible Beverage Sales and Service ordinance

  1. Congratulations! Just one more positive effort that all of us in San Marcos can get behind 100%.

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