March 13, 2025

Google Inc. plans to build a handful of experimental, ultra-fast Internet networks around the country to ensure that tomorrow’s systems can keep up with online video and other advanced applications that the search company will want to deliver. Google will seek input from communities that might be interested in getting one of its testbed networks.

Could San Elijo Hills be such a community? What do we think?

Read More via Google to build ultra-fast broadband networks – Tech and gadgets-

11 thoughts on “Google to build ultra-fast broadband networks

  1. Great idea. We have an ideal community and no doubt the demographics that would support a project like this.

      1. RE FIOS: We are not in Verizon’s LEC area, so they will not, absent a change in the law/PUC regs, be allowed to provide service here.

        AT&T offers a similar service called u-Verse, which is available in SEH, at least in Woodley’s Glen. I have it, and it’s great for residential use (the TV and DVR ROCK, especially during the Olympics), but the Internet service isn’t suitable for business purposes due to how it handles static IPs and servers.

        Currently, the best Internet service available to us is Cox Business services.

        The Google service looked interesting, but it appears there’s not enough interest in the community to make it worth pursuing.

  2. Since I work form home, and am in the tech business, anything that gets me more speed, I’m all for.

    20Mbps is just SLOOOW when you’re moving virtual machines to your co-lo 😉

  3. Here’s an idea: Instead of hunkering down, maybe HomeFed can put their underutilized and overpaid staff to work on making this happen. After all, if the downtown has gigabit connections, that commercial space is worth much more!

    Properly done, SEH should be Los Altos south, not the “Ghouls and Goblins” patchwork of nice neighborhoods and vacant lots it is now.

    High Speed Internet would be a catalyst for that.

    You listening Hale?

    1. I actually was the source of this. I know people @ GOOG, since I was one of the people behind AdSense. However, given the relative response to this versus “we hate Jeff Tuller”, which to me shows what the community cares about, I’m not willing to put any effort into it.

      The entity with the most to gain form this, and the resources to pursue it, is HomeFed.

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