March 13, 2025

3 thoughts on “Video of Meet the Candidates Night for San Elijo Hills Association Board Recall & Election

  1. Will Jeff Tuller be a constructive board member bringing the community together with open leadership or will he divide the community with rumors and evasive answers?

    Watch segment 6 of meet the candidates for the answer?

  2. You and I know the answer to this question. What I am afraid is that the other candidates will not get there name and platforms out to the public and the same for will be relelected because of their name recognition. This is my plea to the other candidates – Please start campaigning!

    1. As a former board member from 2003-2006, and one who knows how it all works, I don’t believe that Jeff Tuller is that bad of a candidate. It is an equal opportunity election. Any other candidate that wishes to campaign outright can do so! It seems he is being scrutinized for having a stronger voice in his campaign aspirations. So, He has a strong voice and is not shy about using it. If the other candidates are not strong enough to invest in their own campaigns as Jeff has, then maybe they don’t want it as badly? I have always known Jeff to actively participate in a variety of the growth and issues that our community has faced over many years and he has donated not only his time and his money but has shown to me he cares about responsibility and quality of life for us as residents. Quite frankly, I am glad there are “Jeff Tullers” in our community who do have a voice and want to make a difference. I’m not saying all 5 should be like him, but I think we do need strong people guiding our community during these transitional times.

      I have watched Jeff Tuller involve himself in many positive issues for San Elijo over the years and am not understanding the outcry about his actions. I met with him for coffee after the last meeting (that I was not able to attend but heard all about the chaos.) I went into it expecting the worst but listened to him and his reasonings and can understand why he chose to call that “special meeting” and I also understand the slippery slope of HOA etiquette in that some information has to be kept confidential and can appear that it’s being hidden issue when really it is not. Give Jeff a chance. He is only one of 5 votes on the board and from personal experience through the years I have only seen him contribute in positive ways to SEH! I know I am going to get grief for this from some of my SEH critics but I think we need a good mix of personalities. Unlike the other candidates that sheepishly run for their seats and just do the minimum. I want some one who will get things done and not be a follower.

      I have no loyalties to Jeff Tuller at all and only have known him loosely through past HOA and community issues. Maybe you will all tell me “I told you so Lori” later on if he does get elected but as someone who has been in his shoes,,,I think he is one of the best 5 of the 10 who are running.


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