March 13, 2025

San Elijo Matrix Soccer is the premier club for players and families looking to grow and fulfill their competitive soccer needs. Matrix provides growth and development beyond the traditional AYSO recreational program, but with all the core values and organizational strength that only the American Youth Soccer Organization can provide. That’s because Matrix is an AYSO product!

The foundation of San Elijo’s AYSO program is its commitment to stable annual growth and success. The volunteers who spearheaded a successful AYSO recreational program these last three years are now committed to providing a successful Matrix club soccer program.

The addition of Matrix to San Elijo’s AYSO program means the core fundamentals and vision of San Elijo’s AYSO Board has succeeded and matured to be ready for the next logical phase…competitive soccer teams at a reasonable cost. It completes the global vision for the Region’s soccer commitment of an all-encompassing program.

San Elijo AYSO Matrix program offers professional training for both players and coaches. The San Elijo Matrix program is ideal for outstanding soccer talent who is ready to take advantage of his/her skills and play at a more competitive level. Best of all, the growth and develop of these skills comes with the AYSO tradition and infrastructure. All San Elijo AYSO Matrix practices and training, as well as home games, will take place in San Elijo.

We’re Ready…Are you?

As the only youth sports program based in San Elijo, we are proud to offer this fantastic program to our young players.

U10 Boys Check-in Location
Birthdate between
8/1/00 – 7/31/01
WED – Feb 17th 5:00 to 6:30p
Callbacks* Feb 20th 10am-12pm
4:30pm San Elijo
Hilltop Field
U11 Girls Check-in Location
Birthdate between
8/1/99 – 7/31/01
WED – Feb 17th 6:30 to 8:00p
Callbacks* Feb 20th 10am-12pm
6:00pm San Elijo
Hilltop Field

Come Join Matrix and Enjoy The World’s Game!

Download Application and Flyer Here:2010 SE Matrix Evaluations

7 thoughts on “San Elijo AYSO Presents: Matrix Soccer

  1. “As the only youth sports program based in San Elijo”???

    The Academy at San Elijo is a multi sport youth sports organization based right here in San Elijo Hills. The organization has already brought multiple youth sports programs into our community. Friday Night Futsal which has been a huge success, and is now in it’s second session at San Elijo Middle School Gymnasium. San Elijo Hills first ever Winter Soccer Clinics held in December and January at Hilltop Field.

    San Elijo FC (Formerly San Elijo Nomads) San Elijo’s first true competitive soccer club. The club is growing and will field at least five competitive teams for the 2010/2011 season at the BU9, BU10, GU9, GU11, and GU12 age brackets. The club is based right here in San Elijo where they will train and play all of their home games.

    San Elijo Hills first ever Spring Soccer. March 6th – May 8th at Hilltop Field. Open to Boys and Girls ages 5-12. Cost is $155.00. Online registration is now open on our website. Click on the Spring Soccer Registration Link. Early Registration Fee is $140.00 if you register by February 26th.

    San Elijo Hills first ever Youth Flag Football. Coming this spring in April and May on Sunday’s at Hilltop Field. More details coming soon There will be an informational meeting at San Elijo Recreation Center on Monday March 1st from 6:30 – 8:00. We hope to see you there!

    Many, many more programs on the horizon for 2010! To sign up for our mailing list, please go to our website, or e-mail:

    [email protected]

    Be a part of the new tradition right here in San Elijo Hills!

    The Academy at San Elijo
    San Elijo Hills Visitor Center
    1215 San Elijo Rd.
    San Marcos, CA 92078

    1. As a parent in this community and with my child in the first SEH Matrix team, I think AYSO soccer has produced many bright smiles on our children’s face every Saturday, not just here, but in other communities as well (we recently moved here).
      For so-called “competitive” clubs to always use every opportunities to compare themselves to an existing league speaks highly of the AYSO program and what its members have accomplised in such short period of time (BTW, where do you think most of those club players and coaches first started? Yes, AYSO). It’s funny, I have seen this patern before where we used to live.
      From my perspective, it looks like AYSO competitive Matrix teams are doing it right again: unpaid coaches (BTW, don’t be fooled by the sirenes’ songs, SEH Matrix coaches have the same coaching credentials than clubs one – they attend the same clinics. Furthermore, some of them have played over 25 years – not true with numerous local Club coaches), a few teams at a time (not just getting as many players as possible like some local club do), and way cheaper (why is Matrix able to do it for $450 a year and clubs do it for 3 times that)? I don’t know, you should ask those clubs that question. I already know the answer and made my decision.



    2. Man, what has gone WRONG with this community, or is it just that the recall has woken me up? Why is everyone at each other’s throats, playing “up our side” and “the other guy is ripping you off”?

      Is our community really divided into Fox News versus MSNBC, or is it just that the vocal fringe are busy tearing each other apart, and leaving those of us in the middle saying “a pox on all your houses”?

  2. Eric,

    I think it is great that your child is playing Matrix. I think it is great that AYSO has a matrix program. It definitely has it’s place. However, before you paint another organization with a brush, I would encourage you to get educated about it first. I would love to have the conversation with you.

    Parents should have options, period! Let them decide, just as you have. After all, this is America!

  3. BTW, Tom

    The reality is that there are organizations that exist in this world, and now unfortunately our community that say “they are all about the kids” but at the end of the day really only care about their own personal agendas.


    1. AGIAN, thank you , We have re turned to san dieago all the way from houston,texas and are loveing it. We have been away far to long and are glad to be back. yoo hoo!!!!!!!

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