March 12, 2025

Run for Chelsea – Take Back the Parks

Zoot and will be hosting a run at Lake Hodges in honor of Chelsea King. We encourage friends and family to come out to Lake Hodges and Take Back the Park in memory of Chelsea. Thank you for your support.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
9:00am – 10:30am
Lake Hodges

4 thoughts on “Run for Chelsea – Take Back the Parks

  1. The way to take back the parks, from predators of all kinds (including mountain lions, who have also attacked runners), would be to run with sidearms in holsters.

    Unfortunately, that isn’t politically correct, so we’ll just engage in symbolism, instead of something that might actually have saved Chelsea: allowing law abiding citizens to be armed, and locking up scum who attack young children and throwing away the key.

  2. First, not only was no one who carried a fire arm present, but no one else was present. The issue is not carrying fire arms, the issue is educating our young women and children to not go into desolate areas alone, and if they do, to keep aware of their surroundings enough such that if anyone comes within 20 feet, to make sure you keep that distance. Also – if they have the blessiing to have a cell phone – to keep it with them at all times. Question for the organizers: What is the intent of take back the park? I would be happy to support an event that clears a decent trail for hikers and runners, or that provides education on how to stay safe, as well as how to survive if a snake bite or some other tradgedy occurs.

    1. I agree with all the ideas you advanced. I still think that our current emphasis on disarming the law abiding, and coddling criminals, is making all of us less safe.

      Hiking or running in backcountry alone is a dumb thing to do for any one of a number of reasons, doing so at dusk or at night is doubly so. You could slip and fall down a ravine, and die a slow, agonizing death, and no-one could find you.

  3. I would love to do a run around Hodges in memory of Chelsea King. Keep me posted.

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