March 4, 2025

Lennar is introducing its first solar PowerSmart package of energy-saving features in San Diego County at Terraza, a new neighborhood of two-story homes in San Elijo Hills, an ecologically sensitive community where 18 miles of hiking/biking trails weave through 1,100 acres of open space.

Terraza at San Elijo Hills offers three distinctive floor plans, ranging from 2,182 to 2,721 square feet, with three to five bedrooms and a diverse range of architecture that reflects Spanish Colonial, French Country, Craftsman and Prairie styles.  The homes are anticipated to be priced from the upper $500,000s.  The sale of homes in Phase 1 will commence April 24.

Offered as a standard feature, the PowerSmart package includes an array of energy-saving amenities, such as a solar electric system, tankless water heater, enhanced insulation, new generation low-E glass, water-conserving toilets, faucets and shower heads, energy-efficient lighting, insulated air ducts and other construction innovations.

A variety of high quality appointments include gourmet-inspired kitchens with stainless-steel GE Profile appliances, granite countertops, Category 5 high-speed wiring, and surround sound speakers.

Terraza models are scheduled to open in June.  The sales office is located at Wild Canyon Road and Festival Way in San Marcos.

San Elijo Hills is an award-winning master-planned community known for its panoramic ocean views, charming towncenter and active lifestyle. Developed by The San Elijo Hills Development Company and managed by HomeFed Corporation, San Elijo Hills encompasses and surrounds the highest point in coastal North County.

The social hub of the community is a walkable towncenter with a classic town square, visitor center, two schools (an elementary and middle school), four urban-style townhome neighborhoods, and a generously appointed 19-acre park and community center.

San Elijo Hills has been honored with the most prestigious community design awards in the building industry, including a Gold Nugget Grand Award for the towncenter and a Gold Award in the “Master-Planned Community of the Year” category at The Nationals at NAHB.

The design of San Elijo Hills was inspired by the layout and architecture of California coastal cities built in the early 1900s.  Among the dominant architectural influences planned for residences, civic buildings, and retail establishments are Craftsman, Spanish, Prairie, American Traditional, English Country, California Bungalow and French Country.

Life in San Elijo Hills revolves around the community’s extensive recreational amenities.  The community’s expansive trail system connects to the 250-acre Double Peak Regional Park that sits atop the 1,644-foot Cerro de las Posas and offers 360-degree views of Dana Point, the Catalina Islands, Big Bear and Point Loma.

The San Elijo Hills Visitor Center, which is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., is located at 1215 San Elijo Road, San Marcos.  For more information on San Elijo Hills, visit or call toll-free (888) SAN-ELIJO (726-3545).

15 thoughts on “Lennar Introduces New Energy-Efficient Homes at Terraza in San Elijo Hills as Phase 1 Sales Begin

  1. Is this going to be on the corner of wild canyon and SEH Rd, across from questhaven? AKA the wasteland area?

    1. Where, once the pines block their ocean views, all they will have a view of is the wasteland.

      Only a fool would buy a new home here until the HOA is out of the clutches of the developer, and recognizes that a view someone pays a lot of money for is something they’re entitled to keep.

      1. -Slaps Tom silly. “Open your eyes you fool”

        The only view people have here are of a sea of track homes.

        Tom move your complaining ass to the 101 for an ocean view home.
        SEH is tired of your negative rants. You are obviously NOT happy here, so do something about it.

        You will whine all day long, but won’t be bothered to call or write to the developer about the lack of towncenter or wasteland….so what gives?

        Pine trees are the least of our problems. The developer put them in to detract from the view of all the homes on top of each other. Some house have less then 3 feet apart. Most People (like 99%) are happy about the pine trees, the have some green to look at.
        All you see is red, Tom…because your a bitter, angry fool.

      2. Wait, I’M the angry one? I’m not the one advocating violence “Slap silly”, or being insulting.

        There are plenty of homes in SEH that, if they weren’t blocked by landscaping that was changed from the original plan, and rubber-stamped by the HOA board when it was stacked with HOFD employees, would have panoramic views of the ocean, and for which the owners paid premiums of 6 figures.

        SEH is specifically advertised, in the article above, as having “panoramic ocean views, charming towncenter “. As we all know from the earlier discussions here, the CC&Rs say those views are not guaranteed, and, indeed, the HOA has hidden behind that clause when, as a result of landscaping, people’s views are obstructed.

        SO: A reasonable and prudent person should not pay a premium for a view that they are not guaranteed. That goes to basic fairness and common sense.

        If people are being charged for the view, then the developer has a responsibility to do all it can to make sure it is preserved. I wouldn’t buy any of those homes without a specific rider, approved by the HOA board, that landscaping may not obstruct my view.

        We also all know that the “walkable, charming towncenter” is a crater that has no plan to be developed in the near future. As for my unwillingness to carry the torch on the downtown: I’m from the losing faction in the recent election, you’re from the winning one. You and your buddies should go do your own dirty work.

        I like my specific house, and my view (of the hills, mostly unobstructed since I get to look over the rooftops of Venzano), and my little corner of SEH. That doesn’t mean that I am not right in calling out the outright lies and misrepresentations in the marketing screed above.

        If HOFD and the builders want to sell on the basis of views and the towncenter, then they should do whatever is in their power to make sure that both exist. Anything else is dishonest.

    1. Which ones? The ones that have already grown and blocked people’s views and caused them to have their fire insurance cancelled, which led to the whole recent election/recall/reelection fracas, or the recently planted ones that will block the views for the homes on the North side of SEH RD?

      They’re all over the place.

      It’s an issue that has caused problems in the community since HOFD changed from the original planned Oaks and Sycamores:

  2. Hey Tom, you keep saying what you’re saying! It’s all right and it’s all right on!

  3. So I guess there is no hope of anyone ever having those huge power towers removed and the lines buried at various parts of SEH to enhance the views of certain homes here eh?

    1. Of course not.

      There’s a big difference between power lines that were here before the homes, and are on rights of way for SDG&E that have been here for longer than SEH, and landscaping planted by the developer and maintained by the HOA that disrupts views that people paid premiums for when they bought.

      The one is something that was as plain as the nose on your face when you bought your home, the other is something that was, in many cases (the pines), changed after the sale by the developer, and rubber stamped by the HOA board.

      It’s also a lot easier to cut down a few trees and replace them with more native bushes (never mind more in keeping with the local environment, less expensive to maintain, and less likely to be a problem in a fire than the current landscaping) than it is to underground high tension wires.

      While the laws of physics (high voltage is more efficient at transporting power long distances, and the height of the tower is proportional to the voltage on the wires), and the laws of the land, make it very hard for us to get rid of the power lines; the HOA, which represents US, has it completely within its power to change the landscaping.

  4. Agree about the landscaping- anything that enhances the value of one home enhances the value of all homes.

  5. The power lines suck but what can you do. Im suprised they arent considered a fire hazard (if a line dropped to the ground during fire season it could ignite the hillside).

    It looks like they are replacing the old thin silver towers with green pipe towers. It would be fantastic if they could “dress up” the towers like cell towers are, to make them look like trees.

    Regarding the pine trees, I cant speak to the fire hazard but in regards to the view, I would be superpissed if I was on the west side of any street in seh that had a slope below me because it means my view will be obstructed soon, if its not already. Those pines are ugly and as much as Im for saving trees, I would love to remove them (give them to someone or plant them in a space in SEH that wont obstruct views.

    I dont see why we cant replace pines on our properties with approved plants (HOA should pay the replacement cost).

    1. You CAN replace plants on YOUR property with approved plants, at your cost.

      What needs to happen is the that HOA replace plants that are blocking, or likely to block (easier to do before they grow) views people paid premiums for at Home Fed’s cost.

      Home Fed cheaped out on the landscaping, and created the view obstruction problem. Since they got paid the lot premiums, they should be held accountable for remediating the views.

      I know, they have legalese to hide behind. I’m making an argument of logic and fairness, which the law is a faint shadow of.

  6. With all the wildlife out there on the SEH hillsides, surely those power towers pose a threat to at least one endangered species – we’ll just have try harder to find one ( to benefit the animal of course : )

    1. SEH poses a greater threat to any species than towers that were here long before our homes. BY your logic, we should all be sued.

      Of course, you just exposed the real use of the Endangered Species Act, as applied: NIMBYism.

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