February 23, 2025

City officials announced today that they will hold two special general plan workshops specifically designed for the San Marcos business community. One workshop will be held from 4 to 6 pm on Wednesday, July 28 and the other will be held from 4 to 6 pm on Tuesday, August 3. Both will take place at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive.

“During our last set of community workshops it became clear that there was some more detailed feedback from the business community that needed to be addressed,” explained Planning Director Jerry Backoff. “The City wanted to ensure that the business community was given adequate time to express their thoughts and understand the update process, which is why these additional workshops were established.”

The City of San Marcos is about mid-way through its two-year general plan update process. A general plan establishes a framework for achieving the City’s goals for the future. Topics addressed in a general plan include land use and development, transportation, open spaces and resources conservation.

For more information on the general plan update, please visit www.ourcityourfuture.com or call (760) 744-PLAN (7526).

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