March 31, 2025

Click here to see how San Elijo Elementary and San Elijo Middle performed and rank county-wide on California Department of Education API scores. San Elijo Elementary School received an API of 942, a ten point gain, for the 2009/2010 California Standards Test that students took last May.

2 thoughts on “The California State Board of Education API scores for San Elijo Elementary & San Elijo Middle

  1. As a former resident of Carlsbad, my family was practically mortified when we moved to San Elijo Hills in the San Marcos School district. I am so proud to see that SEH out performed almost all of the schools in Encinitas and Carlsbad. As a mother of a first-grader, I am so impressed with the faculty and of course the amazing facility- OUR TEACHERS and ADMINISTRATION deserve a huge APPLAUSE!!!!

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