March 31, 2025
Image by Bludgeoner86 via Flickr

50-year-old high school would be top beneficiary of measure before voters in November



SAN MARCOS, CA — Supporters of a $287 million school bond campaign now under way say the measure will modernize aging schools and ease overcrowding.

So far few critics of Proposition K have come forward publicly. One resident filed an opposing argument for the ballot.

The lead project for the bond measure would be rebuilding San Marcos High, built in 1960 to accommodate 1,600 students. Enrollment is now about 2,200, and the district is growing, said Superintendent Kevin Holt.

Major work is also planned at older schools, including Alvin Dunn, Richland and La Costa Meadows elementary and San Marcos Middle. Holt said the bond would provide improvements districtwide for safety and technology. Repairing infrastructure to meet earthquake-safety codes; replacing plumbing, heating and air-conditioning systems; and improving security systems are on the to-do list. Upgrading electrical systems and modernizing classrooms to support technology are also targeted.

The bond needs 55 percent of voter approval to pass Nov. 8. If approved, the bond is expected to cost property owners $44 per $100,000 of assessed value of their property annually. The district also will qualify for state matching funds.

The district recently opened the rebuilt San Marcos Elementary, which Holt said is the model for the school bond. “San Marcos Elementary is what Prop. K will do for other schools,” he said. Eliminating overcrowding and preparing for future growth is also a goal of the bond. The district now has 39 percent of its teaching stations in portable buildings, said Kathy Tanner, the district’s facilities director. READ MORE VIA SD UT

“Yes on K for Kids” Campaign website

YES on K- Facebook Page

2 thoughts on “Growing San Marcos, CA district has bond on table-San Diego UT

  1. Too Many. 1 year is too long, and this is for 40 yrs. YES FORTY YEARS.

    We pay more then enough in property taxes to cover education expenses.
    Now they want us to pay even more. And for 40 Years.

    SEH doesn’t even have a police officer assigned here, I just don’t know where all this property tax revenue, and sales tax is going, and I don’t want to pay anymore. Taxed Enough Already.

    Guess we should ask Malone, or is he too busy spending the $500,000 he earns each year being city manager.
    Jeez, President of the USA doesn’t even make that much.

    Wonder why the Mayor and council running for re-election want Malone around. Pocket lining must be happening. What else could explain this craziness.

    All these guys do is throw some grass seeds on a field, call it a park, and have big ole ribbon cutting ceremony. They don’t even have the decency to put a slide or swings at the double peak park.

    Let’s vote em all out, and hope the next batch wont be as bad.

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