February 23, 2025

Here is an interview with Mike Hansen candidate for San Marcos City Council. San Elijo Life has invited all candidates for council the answer the same set of questions.

Why should the residents in San Elijo Hills vote for you?

San Elijo Hills, like all San Marcos’ residents, deserves a leader who not only listens to their concerns but actively represents their best interests. Especially as millions of Americans struggle to survive in a crippled economy, San Marcos needs leadership which will advocate for small business and the common tax payer. By holding true to my principles of individual liberty and fiscal conservatism- San Marcos residents will always know where I stand.  I promise serve as an honest, respectable and passionate advocate for all people of San Marcos.

How can the council help address aggressive cut through traffic and school traffic in San Elijo Hills?

Though difficult to eliminate, multiple traffic issues can be greatly reduced by applying additional Deputies for traffic control. The idea of additional motorcycle patrols has been introduced, which I am also in support of.

What is your position on Proposition K?

Simplified, I am opposed.

I find myself unable to support this ballot measure because of my principle of fiscal restraint. Do I believe that many schools, especially San Marcos High school, need to be renovated and/ or rebuilt? Absolutely. Though I understand that it is less expensive to conduct building projects during a sluggish economy, it is a double edge sword. Many families throughout San Marcos are struggling to stabilize in rough economic times- and an additional Bond measure would only intensify their situation.

I have found that many residents, on all sides of the argument, are confused on the Bond and what it means for their future. The slogans “K for Kids” and “Bonds = Tax” are often the only points of discussion. This confusion and misinterpretation of language could have been mitigated by better communication with the community before becoming a bond initiative. By increasing community involvement and encouraging constructive debate on the issue potential problems and fears for many residents could be addressed and “ironed out.”

In place of a forty-year, $287,000,000 bond (Supplemented with $93 Million from Federal and State taxpayer money)- dealing with each school as they need assistance is important. We do want to promote our city with attractive schools and solid quality of education, but not at the risk of perpetuating a culture of taxing the future based on the assumption that “the economy will bounce back to normal.”

I am 24 years old. I plan on having children and sending them through San Marcos’ schools. Though down the road, this is a strong factor in my own self-reflection on policy stance. I want my future children to benefit from a strong education and live in an even better San Marcos than I was privileged to move to. Renovating these school is essential, but so is maintaining an affordable cost of living accompanied by a culture of fiscal accountability.

How can the city of San Marcos work with San Elijo Development to complete the San Elijo Hills Town Center?

As the economy struggles to recover, it is difficult to expect developers to rapidly assemble to intensify vacant properties. I believe that the Council should advocate for a more attractive relationship between business and government. By examining the city’s permitting fees and requirements for fairness and feasibility we can alleviate one of business’s more controllable burdens. The council should also support and encourage the Chamber of Commerce in promoting San Elijo Hills as an attractive place to shop and conduct business.

What is your position on changes to the San Marcos general plan?

I am in support of updating our General Plan. San Marcos is in need of solutions for positive growth assisted by open dialogue with the community. By planning how to best balance population, commercial, industrial and residential impact we can create a more sustainable city. Dealing with traffic, updating infrastructure and respecting property rights all creates an interesting challenge for the city to undertake.

What is your position on future housing and commercial development around San Elijo Hills (Creekside District, and university area projects, recycling plant, Quathaven and Attebury road area)?

I look forward to the future possibilities that the Creek Project and developments in the University District have to offer for San Marcos. Future housing and commercial development will add to San Marcos’ atmosphere of diverse residential life and business opportunities. Strong deliberation and planning must be taken to ensure infrastructure and traffic concerns are considered.

What are your goals to improve the quality of life in San Marcos, such as events, parks, and trails?

As the council has often discussed, San Marcos is in need of a signature event. I would like to see the city council endorse and advocate for more city-wide events, which will not only benefit local business but help foster a stronger sense of community and city identity. I also believe that parks and trails are essential to maintaining an esthetically pleasing backdrop for San Marcos and should receive further encouragement from the council.

Would you care to comment on the recent excessive compensation concerns for San Marcos city staff?

Following the gross mismanagement in Bell, citizens throughout the nation have been concerned with local government pay. Positions such as City Manager have been under intense scrutiny for salary and compensation. Though I feel that San Marcos is relatively efficient in comparison with neighboring cities, it would be unwise not to examine the efficiency and feasibility of government appointed positions. It should be noted that while other cities have been forced to lay off staff because of municipal budget problems, San Marcos has maintained a consistently thrifty doctrine for payroll.

If elected what are the top 3 issues you would focus on for San Elijo Hills?

– Work with community to combat traffic problems, mainly from “cut through” and University Traffic.  As new developments and the University community grow the Council will be challenged to come up with new solutions in preventing traffic congestion.
– Public safety. A combination of support for the San Diego Sheriff’s Department and the San Marcos Fire Department is crucial to maintaining a safe and secure atmosphere, improving San Elijo Hill’s resident’s quality of living. Responsible allocation of City resources is necessary to preserve public safety while maintaining fiscal accountability.
– Attracting small business to San Elijo Hills (as well as the rest of San Marcos), bringing in customers and tax revenue.

How will you clean up the campaign signs after election? will they be recycled?

From the beginning, my campaign has planned to recycle all signs, fliers and remaining door hangers. Majority of our campaign’s signs and material are printed on 30%+ recycled paper and cardboard. Unlike the Hansen 2010’s gradual increase in signage placement, our signs will be rapidly removed- including our large “Hansen 2010” sign and all 74 “small” signs. We pledge that all signs will be removed within a week of the polls closing.


Editors note all San Marcos, Calfifornia candidates are welcome to contact us to conduct an interview.

1 thought on “Interview with Mike Hansen candidate for San Marcos City Council

  1. Pingback: SAN MARCOS: Council candidates pounding the pavement- NC TIMES « San Elijo Life

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