January 31, 2025

The City of San Marcos is partnering with the North County Food Bank to host a holiday food drive on Wednesday, Nov. 17 from 6 to 9 am. A drive-thru drop-off location will be set up that day near the Sprinter station across the street from the San Marcos Civic Center, 1 Civic Center Drive. Canned donations will be accepted and used to provide food to 76 North County charitable agencies.

“Last year was particularly harsh for those whose homes, incomes and food supplies had been jeopardized or impaired,” explained Penny Felker, a San Marcos community volunteer who is coordinating the food drive effort. “We hope this year’s campaign will be tremendously successful as the need is still very real for many people in our community.”

Monetary donations are also welcomed, but must be coordinated directly with the North County Food Bank. Donors are encouraged to contact Food Bank Operations Director Mike Lawson at (760) 761-1140 or [email protected].

For more information about the North County Food Bank, please visit http://www.sdnccs.org/food-bank.

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