March 18, 2025

Post from a San Elijo Hills Resident

We want to alert the neighborhood to two events that occurred over the weekend.  Two neighbors in Crest View each had two credit cards stolen.  It appears to have happened during soccer games at San Elijo Elementary.  We believe that someone got into our vehicles and pulled two cards out of our purses.  With this scenario, most people would not realize that cards were missing for likely some time.  The charges were at similar stores and in the same locale for both sets of cards.  It is only this evening that we both realized that this had occurred and when it likely happened.

The other possible similarity is that we have vehicles in the same family of cars.  I have a Lincoln Navigator and my neighbor a Ford Expedition.  I would encourage anyone who was at a sports event in the San Elijo area this weekend to check your wallets and ensure you have all of your credit cards.

This was a major wake up call to make sure that we don’t leave items of value in our cars – I’ve heard that gyms are another targeted area.

If anyone has else has had this occur, please report it back so that we can get the information to the same detective.

Thank you,

Crest View Neighbor

1 thought on “Crime Post from a San Elijo Hills Resident

  1. The same thing happened to someone I know this weekend while she was at a baseball game at Mission Estancia(?). 3 cards taken and her Costco ID. Cards used in the Riverside/Temecula/Murrieta area. I can put you in touch with her if you want. Also a Ford vehicle.

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