March 4, 2025

BY MICHELLE BREIER San Diego Union Tribune

SAN MARCOS — San Marcos Unified School District trustee David Horacek will resign from the school board because he is moving his family to Florida for business reasons.

Horacek made the announcement Monday night during a board meeting.

Board President Jay Petrek said Tuesday that the board will not hold a special election to replace Horacek and will look to make an appointment by March.

Horacek, elected six years ago, has lived in San Elijo Hills with his wife and two daughters, ages 7 and 10. He said he will leave the board in early March.

Horacek runs a satellite communications business that provides Internet at sea for super-yachts — 120 feet or larger.

He said the hub of his customer base is in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., but he will continue to operate the business as a California-based entity. READ MORE VIA SD UNION TRIBUNE


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