March 12, 2025

Residents encouraged to take online needs assessment survey

Take Survey Now

The City of San Marcos is encouraging residents to take a needs assessment survey, which is now available on the City’s web site. The survey will help the City determine how it will invest its allotment of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and HOME Investment Partnership funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The CDGB program provides grants to cities and counties on a yearly basis to help develop viable urban communities through decent housing, a suitable living environment and by expanding economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income persons.

Each city and county develops their own programs and priorities for using the funds. Priority must be given to activities that meet at least one of the three broad national objectives for the program and at least one of the local community development objectives established by each city or county.

San Marcos may receive an allotment of approximately $690,000 in CDBG monies and $208,000 in HOME funds each year for the next three years.

Residents will be asked to rate their perceived need level of several categories including housing, community facilities, infrastructure, economic development, public services, homeless services and special needs services for seniors and the disabled.

The needs assessment survey will be online from now until March 31, 2011. Results from this survey will be incorporated in the City’s 2011-2013 Consolidated Plan that will be presented to the City Council in May 2011.