March 31, 2025

The City of San Marcos will conduct black top repairs and slurry coating on San Elijo Road in April or May.  It’s expected that repairs will take place from San Elijo Hills Towncenter to San Elijo Hills Fire Station.

The City of San Marcos will also be removing portions of lodgepole railing/fencing due to traffic and safety concerns.  There have been numerous traffic accidents in San Marcos involving  lodgepoles penetrating vehicle compartments (San Elijo Life has seen pictures of poles acting like spears inside of cars).  To reduce risk or serious injury and liability to the city and San Elijo Hills Association the city has decided to remove and not replace with other type of railing or fencing. The removal area will consist of all portions of Melrose Drive, portions of San Elijo Road.  Railings against roadway will be removed except for slower speed areas (Questhaven Road).  Railings on the back of sidewalk/trail or behind existing guard rail will be left in place.

7 thoughts on “San Elijo Road Repair and Lodgepole Removal

  1. So, we’re going to remove the fences that provide separation between pedestrians and cars because when cars violate that separation, the fences may be hazardous to the car occupants? Do I have that right?

    Gosh, we’d better remove buildings that are close to the roads, because when cars go off the road and run into them, the buildings might fall on the cars and hurt the occupants.

    1. Hey, there is a meeting scheduled for Wed. Aug. 31st
      at the barn at Walnut Park. The city engineer is going
      to tell us of his intentions. This is idiotic and I hope
      you could get some San Elijo folks to the meeting. What about pedestrians? Those college kids get out
      of class and head to Temecula with their cell phone
      going full time. We need slower speeds and cell phone traps. Kathe Robbins 760-214-7990

  2. Is this a joke? Those fence styles are common on the east coast and you dont see cities removing them because they are dangerous to the motorists. This is nuts, they should slow people down on the roads vs removing a barrier that acts as a safety barrier to pedestrians.

    nice comments bill – totally agree.

  3. Many other jurisdictions have been forced to remove large sections of lodgepole railings. Do a Google search and you will see alarming accidents. It’s sad to see the charm of the poles go. The poles helped send a message to speeders to slow down and this is a walking community with kids at play. I’m sure poles helped keep people from crossing or straying into traffic. Per SD Sheriff SEH residents are some of the biggest speeders…we all need to slow down!

  4. Really? The poles are sending a message to “slow down” to cars that drive 70mph down Twin Oaks Valley Road into our community? To slow down from what . . . 80mph? There’s no lodgepole fencing on the northbound land of Twin Oaks Valley Road heading over the hill out of San Elijo Hills, and I know of no accidents where people strayed into traffic because there was no fence, or of any complaints of “lack of charm” on that side of the road.

  5. Wow, these poles must have magnets in them that attract the metal structures of cars. No, some jackass city attorney paid some bogus suit by an idiot who ran into the poles and told the council that these poles are dangerous.

    Looking forward to the smart attorney who argues that the City had notice of a dangerous condition (ie. car incursions onto pedestrian walkways) but only tried to protect the car drivers and not peds. . ..and the multi-million award against the city

    1. Why are you looking forward to more abuse by the trial lawyers?
      Our state, and the country at large, has turned into a world of thou shall not, so people can avoid their suits.

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