March 14, 2025

The City of San Marcos will begin removing some lodge pole fencing in the San Elijo Hills area on Monday, July 18. The process will take approximately six weeks. Lodge pole fencing will be removed in various locations from the San Elijo Road/Twin Oaks Valley Road transition to just passed Melrose Avenue and all along Melrose Avenue.

There will be a single lane traffic closure in the immediate area of the work for each day. No major traffic delays are anticipated. The lodge pole fencing is being removed for safety reasons.  There have been numerous traffic accidents in San Marcos involving  lodge poles penetrating vehicle compartments .  To reduce risk or serious injury and liability to the City and San Elijo Hills Association. The removal area will consist of all portions of Melrose Drive, portions of San Elijo Road. Railings against roadway will be removed except for slower speed areas (Quest Haven Road).  Railings on the back of sidewalk/trail or behind existing guard rail will be left in place.