March 12, 2025

San Elijo Elementary Construction Update

As you have probably noticed there has been a lot of construction happening at SEES over the summer. The parking lot has been increased in size (yay!), a left turn lane has been added to Schoolhouse Way (double-yay!!), 2 KOC portables have been added, and 4 additional portables were added next to the existing fifth grade ones. The 4 new portable classrooms are numbered in the “600’s”, so if you are wondering where Room 602 is, head out to the blacktop. The primary grade play structure has been moved next to the upper grade play structure to allow for future construction. Construction on a 1-story kindergarten building and a 2-story building to house 15 classrooms will begin in January 2012 in the area where the play structure was located. Construction time is expected to be a year and a half and once the new buildings are completed, the portables will be removed.

Drive-Up Lane Changes

We know that you are anxious to learn how the changes to our street and parking lot will impact drop off and pick-up. For complete details, it is imperative that each family read and discuss both the Traffic Plan and the Arrival and Dismissal Plan. They are located under Policies and Procedures on the About Us section of our website. Please note that first graders will no longer have privilege to the drive-up lane at the end of the day. Students in grades 2-5 may be picked up in

our drive through lane between 3:10 and 3:25 only. Thank you for taking the time to update yourself and support student safety.

Cash for Kids

You should have received a brochure in the mail on our Cash for Kids fundraiser. If you did not receive one, extra copies are available in the front office. Our goal is $15,000 this year, with 100% of the proceeds going directly to SEES. We are also offering for the first time the option to donate online and to make monthly payments. All parents making their donations online will automatically receive a tax receipt via email. Go to for more information. Please make your donation by September 9th and check to see if your company offers a donation match that could double the amount of your contribution.

 The SEES website

The SEES website,, is filled with information about classroom activities, school policies and procedures, upcoming events, and PTO news. Under the PTO section you will find this newsletter, information on how to contact all PTO Board members, PTO by-laws, minutes from PTO board meetings, calendar of upcoming events, and FAQ’s. Make sure you log in on a regular basis to keep up with what’s happening at SEES.