March 12, 2025

The City of San Marcos is planning to remove existing lodgepole fencing on North Twin Oaks Valley Road from Twin Oaks Elementary School to Windy Way. Certain areas near Twin Oaks Elementary School may receive a replacement fence. A similar project is being completed in the San Elijo Hills area, too.

Both removals are being done to improve public safety on San Marcos roadways.

The City understands you may have questions and/or concerns regarding this project so we will be hosting a community meeting to discuss this project with the public on Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at The Williams Barn at Walnut Grove Park, 1950 Sycamore Drive, San Marcos.

City staff looks forward to meeting with you and discussing this project.

Want more info? Click here to see the presentation given to the San Elijo Hills HOA recently (pictures included).