March 19, 2025

First Dine Out of the Year
Please join us on Tuesday for a dine out at Fro Yo Love (located in the Ralph’s shopping center on Twin Oaks Valley Road). Stop by anytime between 10a and 11p and let them
know you are from SEES when you pay. Fro Yo Love will donate 20% of sales to SEES. This dine out is a great way to earn money for our school and enjoy some
yummy yogurt on a hot summer day. Make sure to try the oatmeal cookie flavor; it is incredible!

Crossing Guards Needed
Crossing Guards are needed for PM hours from 3:05-3:40 pm. If you are interested in supporting our students’ safety, please send an email to [email protected]

Cash for Kids
Cash for Kids is in full swing. We would like to thank all the families who have donated to date. If you are unable to donate online at, feel free to drop your donation in the new PTO box located outside the office. Extra brochures are available in the front office. Our goal is $15,000 this year, with 100% of the proceeds going directly to SEES. Please make your donation by September 9th and check to see if your company offers a donation match that could double the amount of your contribution. Total amount so
far: $3095

Read more via SEES PTO