March 9, 2025

Family Fun Night

Do you think you have a MINUTE TO WIN IT? All SEES families are invited to join as a community for FAMILY FUN NIGHT! We’ll enjoy Minute to Win It games, Eagle Play activities, and shake our tail feathers to some great music. So pack your favorite dinner/refreshments and head over for a good old fashion picnic on the school lawn Wednesday from 6-8pm. Each grade is encouraged to wear the following colors: Red-5th grade, Yellow-4th grade, Blue-3rd grade, Green-2nd grade, Orange-1st grade, and Purple Kindergarten. The courtesy of a picnic blanket or low back chairs is appreciated.

Gift Wrap Fundraiser

This week the PTO kicks off its annual Innisbrook Gift Wrap Fundraiser. 40% of the proceeds go back to SEES. On Friday, your child(ren) (grades 1-5) will attend an assembly and bring home catalogs and order forms. Kindergarteners will not attend the assembly but they will still be able to participate. This is a great opportunity to stock up on holiday gifts and wrapping paper, bows, cards, etc. and help your school at the same time!If your child would like to participate in the fundraiser, please encourage them to contact family members, friends and neighbors to view the catalog and make purchases. Families can order online or use the form in the packet. If your child sells 10 or more items, bring the “ticket” on the back of the kick off letter on designated days/times to receive a Hank the Hippo for their back pack. Also, there are instant prizes this year – parents will be informed if their child has won one automatically when they place their order online. Orders need to be turned in by October 7th. As always, we appreciate your support and all the proceeds from this fundraiser benefit the students of SEES.

School Site Council Openings

The School Site Council is an elected group of parents and staff. Its primary responsibility is to review and approve the annual Single Plan for Student Achievement including our School Improvement Budget expenditures. Application forms went home last week in the Wed. envelope. If you are interested in serving on School Site Council for the remainder of this school year and next year, please submit your application via email to Mrs. McDonell.