March 27, 2025

Costume Collection and Swap

This week families can bring in new or “gently used” Halloween costumes and receive a ticket for each costume they bring in. Drop off costumes each morning M, T & Th from 8:15-9:00 and in the afternoon M,T,TH from 3:00-3:45 and W from 2:00-2:45. The actual costume swap will be held on Friday from 3:30-5:30, when families can then redeem their tickets for different costumes.

Join Kids Korps!

Kids Korps USA is a nonprofit youth volunteer organization that engages young people, ages 5 through 18, in community service. Their mission is to instill in America’s youth the spirit of giving while providing valuable education in leadership and responsibility. The SEES Chapter will sponsor 1 activity per month on various days of the week. 2011/12 will be an amazing year of service! Membership Drive: Wednesday, September 21, 2:10-3:10 p.m., SEES Multi-Purpose Room At the event, students will be decorating paper bags to be filled with healthy food and distributed to low-income children by Feeding America. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Heather Dorny or Kay Lani Rapp, [email protected]. You can also find out more info and register to become a member on-line at

Gift Wrap Fundraiser

Last week the PTO kicked off its annual Innisbrook Gift Wrap fundraiser. Your child should have brought home catalogs and order forms. If your child would like to participate in the fundraiser, please encourage them to contact family members, friends and neighbors to view the catalog and make purchases. Families can order online or use the form in the packet. If your child sells 10 or more items, bring the “ticket” on the back of the kick off letter on designated days/times to receive a Hank the Hippo for their back pack. Also, there are instant prizes this year – parents will be informed if their child has won one automatically when they place their order online. Orders need to be turned in by October 7th. This is a great opportunity to stock up on holiday gifts and wrapping paper, bows, cards, etc. and help your school at the same time.