March 19, 2025

Today Lynda McDonell San Elijo Elementary’s (SEES) 1st principal accepted a new position in the San Marcos Unified School District. Lynda has served as the school principal since  since 2004. Lynda’s legacy of successfully growing and nurturing SEES will be remembered by the San Elijo Hill’s community. Test scores have rapidly improved at San Elijo Elementary during her tenure as principal. Lynda has also guided SEES through several emergency events and taken that experience to develop a strong safety action plan for SEES and the San Elijo Hills Community. She will be missed.

How will she be remembered?

Here is an email sent to all parents at SEES.

Hello Parents of San Elijo Elementary School. 

This afternoon I announced to our staff that I accepted a new position in the San Marcos Unified School District.  Dr. Holt offered me the opportunity to serve as the principal of Richland School which is our district’s professional development campus. It’s an opportunity to teach adults while still spending the day with children! Not only will I serve as the instructional leader of the school, I will be teaching courses to the district’s new teachers, teacher leaders and administrators as well as teachers outside of our district. 

Since 2004 I’ve felt a tremendous responsibility and affection towards the children of San Elijo Hills.  Serving as the assistant principal of the K-8 San Elijo School was the beginning of the journey.  Then we broke ground on this lovely location and built SEES.  The first day of school in September 2006 was one of the highlights of my career.  For those of you who were here that day, you remember the excitement and joy we all felt.

The past five years have been a time to create a vision, implement our mission, initiate lasting traditions and become the soul of these hills.  I’m proud of the work we’ve accomplished as we’ve SOARed as one.  Making this decision was not easy, as I’m deeply attached to our incredible staff, the adorable children and the involved parent community. SEES is the perfect place to learn and grow.

One task of a principal is to mentor the assistant principal.  What a joy that has been!  Carolyn Kalicki was the finest AP a rookie principal like me could hope for.  She’s taught me along the way as well.  The only way I would leave this terrific school is to leave it in good hands.  That is why I am so very proud to let you know Mrs. Kalicki has been named principal of SEES.  Her assistant will be selected soon and I know you will embrace the new administrator. 

Thank you for allowing me to SOAR with your children.  The results we’ve achieved have 1240 smiles on them each day when we open the gate.  That is one of those traditions that will never fade.