March 14, 2025

Thank you for continuing to vote for San Elijo Elementary in the Clorox, Power a Bright Future Grant Contest.  This contest is an amazing opportunity for our school to win a much needed grant for our Science program.

With 18 days remaining in the competition, SEES needs the entire community of San Elijo Hills to get behind this promotion and VOTE every day.   If you have not yet starting voting, it’s not too late!  Please start today and continue to vote every day.

Please spread the word to your family and friends.  If each family San Elijo Votes every day asks 10 people (age 13+) to vote every day, we will reach our goal!

Vote both online and via sms/text message – two votes every day!

1). Online:  Register your email the first time, then log in daily to vote for San Elijo Elementary.


2). Via text/sms message: Text number:  44144 Message:  clorox6400 (our school number)

Thank you for your help!