March 5, 2025

It’s that busy time of year again – the decorations are going up, travel plans are being made, and the shopping lists are growing!  As wonderful as the holiday season is, it can also be a little overwhelming.  CPMG’s Dr. Anthony Magit shares some valuable tips on making your holiday travel easier, especially for your little ones! Check out his recent interview on SanDiego 6’s morning news.

Decorating your home and your tree can be a fun family activity.  But in your efforts to “deck the halls,” there can be hazards for young children that you might overlook.  Dr. Magit reviews ways to keep your home both safe and festive for the whole family. Here’s his appearance on SanDiego 6’s San Diego Living morning program.

CPMG is proud to be San Diego’s largest pediatric medical group, with over 400 pediatricians and pediatric specialists to serve the children of San Diego and southern Riverside counties.  Call our customer service department at 1-877-CPMG-KIDs (1-877-276-4543) to enroll or to find a CPMG pediatrician near you, or visit our website for more in-depth information on our doctors, health news, and more.  Our new blog, Kids’ Health 1st, is a great place to submit your health topic ideas for us to share.  And be sure to check us out on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube!