February 23, 2025

“I’m not a runner,”“I can’t run,” and “Running is just not for me” are common phrases we hear. But we feel ANYONE can run as long as they go about it the right way. In our program you’ll learn all the ins and outs to help you be successful! In this laid-back, supportive, non-competitive program, runners get a detailed training plan, weekly coached runs, informational seminars and much more! Strollers welcome and NO running experience required!

The target race is the San Marcos Fitness Roundup 5K on April 21st.

What: Beginners 5K Program

When: February 14th through April 21st

Where: T h e F o u n t a i n P a r k i n S a n E l i j o H i l l s (in town center) San Marcos, CA

Time: Every Tuesday at 10:00AM

Price: $85 – That’s $8.50 a session!

*Price does not include race registration

Register online: www.signmeup.com/80775

Questions? E m a i l C o a c h J e n n G i l l a t [email protected] with any questions you may have.