March 30, 2025

Next Year’s SEES Academic Calendar for 2012/2013 is now available.

Its Otis Spunkmeyer cookie time again!
The Otis Spunkmeyer fundraiser begins on Friday, March 23rd and ends on April 6th. Otis Spunkmeyer offers ready-tobake frozen cookie dough, plus pretzels and brownies. Each item sells for $16.00. Prizes will be given out to students for selling 1 or more items. Please look for details in the packets that will be going home with your child on Friday. 40% of the proceeds benefit SEES PTO funded programs. Thanks for your support! If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Gallagher and Nilda O’Reilly at [email protected].

March Dine-out
The March dine-out will be held at Islands in Encinitas on Monday, March 26, from 4pm-9pm, with 20% of all food and beverage purchases going back to SEES.

Country Fair Donations
This year the SEES PTO has been presented with a terrific opportunity to raise funds for our annual Country Fair fundraiser. Thanks to a generous anonymous donor, we are able to DOUBLE EACH AND EVERY DOLLAR DONATED by all SEES families, friends, neighbors and businesses that make 2012 the first year they participate as a sponsor.
We are asking that you please consider sponsoring one of our fun Country Fair booths. Sponsorship levels begin at just $75.00. An anonymous donor will match every
dollar received by NEW sponsors for up to $10,000! For a list of booths yet to be sponsored, please go to
Our goal is to raise $10,000 in new donations/sponsorships for the Country Fair, which will result in an additional donation of $10,000 for our school!
For reservations and information please contact: Anne Browne or Nicole Apostolakos, Community Sponsorship Team at [email protected] .

Country Fair Community Service Project
This year’s Country Fair Community Service Project is providing school supplies to students in need at all eleven SMUSD elementary schools in an effort to keep San Marcos students on P.A.C.E. for their education. We would appreciate students in each grade level bringing the following items to the collection box in the front office before the Fair or to the collection site on the day of the Fair.

  • Kindergarten: Crayons
  • First Grade: Glue sticks and colored markers
  • Second Grade: Highlighters and blue/black pens
  • Third Grade: Colored Pencils and Pencil Sharpeners
  • Fourth Grade: Spiral Notebooks and Index Cards
  • Fifth Grade: 3 ring binders

We appreciate any and all school supply donations for this worthwhile cause.