March 4, 2025

SEES Has Talent
The 3rd Annual SEES Family Talent Night will be held Wednesday from 6-8p in the MPR. Come and watch your fellow students as they show off their unique talents. Contact Lisa Volpe and Monee Gardner at [email protected].

Health Office Needs Gently Used Clothes
The Health Office is looking for families to donate gently used leggings, sweats, and shorts to use when students are in need of a change of clothes.

Get Your 2011-2012 SEES Yearbook
Yearbooks for sale! Our yearbook will be in full color again this year. Preorder yours today for $20 each at Only online orders are being accepted. If you have any questions, please contact the yearbook staff at [email protected]. We sold out last year! Don’t wait until the last minute!

Country Fair
Check the SEES website for more information on the Fair and for ways you can help. Also, be sure to “Like” the Country Fair on Facebook. Ticket and Food Presales Please review the flyer that went home in the Wednesday envelope before break about Country Fair presales for food, raffle and games. We have made a few changes this year including a new game punch card and a Food Court with various vendors selling lots of yummy food. For the next two weeks, volunteers will be out selling food & raffle tickets and game punch cards before and after school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Avoid the lines and save money at the fair:
Monday April 16th & 23rd at 8:15-8:45am, 3:00-3:30pm
Wednesday April 18th & 25th at 8:15-8:45am, 2-2:30pm
Friday April 20th & 27th at 8:15-8:45am , 3-3:30pm.

Volunteers Needed
We are still in need of volunteers if you can spare an hour please contact [email protected]. The grade level that supplies the most
volunteers will win an extra recess!

Sponsors Needed
This year the SEES PTO has been presented with a terrific opportunity to raise funds for our annual Country Fair fundraiser. Thanks to a generous anonymous donor, we are able to DOUBLE EACH AND EVERY DOLLAR DONATED by all SEES families, friends, neighbors and businesses that make 2012 the first year they participate as a sponsor. This donor will match every dollar received by NEW sponsors up to $10,000! We are currently at $4,570 in NEW sponsorships! Help us reach our goal by sponsoring one of the following Country Fair booths. Share a sponsorship with another family or with your entire neighborhood. Our goal is to raise $10,000 in new donations/sponsorships for the Country Fair, which will result in an additional donation of $10,000 for our school! Thank you to all the families and business owners who have responded to the Sponsorship Match Program already. For reservations and information please contact: Anne Browne or Nicole Apostolakos, Community Sponsorship Team at [email protected]

Community Service Project
This year’s Country Fair Community Service Project is providing school supplies to students in need at all eleven SMUSD elementary schools in an effort to keep San Marcos students on P.A.C.E. for their education. We would appreciate students in each grade level bringing the following items to the collection box in the front office before the Fair or to the collection site on the day of the Fair.

Kindergarten: Crayons
First Grade: Glue sticks and colored markers
Second Grade: Highlighters and blue/black pens
Third Grade: Colored Pencils and Pencil Sharpeners
Fourth Grade: Spiral Notebooks and Index Cards
Fifth Grade: 3 ring binders

We appreciate any and all school supply donations for this worthwhile cause.